
The Nest



The Nest at Osborne High School

Español El Nido Osborne


Para pedir tutoría para su estudiante (mayormente matemática del grado 9 para estudiantes que están aprendiendo inglés, pero se pueden hacer arreglos para otras materias/estudiantes), contacte a Ms. Ayala.

To request peer tutoring (mostly 9th grade math for English learners, but can make arrangements for other subjects/students), contact Ms. Ayala:
Cora.ayala@cobbk2.org 770-437-5900 ext. 026


Para referir estudiantes, los padres deben:

  1. llenar esta forma
  2. mandar un correo electrónico a cnorwood@cisgeorgia.org y a cora.ayala@cobbk12.org para que estemos al tanto de que se sometió un referido. También puede imprimir la forma, llenarla, y traerla a la oficina.  

For student referrals, parents must:

  1. complete this consent form
  2. email cnorwood@cisgeorgia.org and cora.ayala@cobbk12.org so that we are aware of the referral. You can also print the form, fill it out, and bring it to the office.

Who We Are: 

The Nest at Osborne High School is both a hub of support services, resources, and a set of partnerships between the school and community to provide a well-rounded educational experience for students and families. The Nest is available for all students to receive comprehensive wraparound services that meet the needs and desires of each student. The Nest is designed in response to student and family voice, needs and assets. 

What We Do: 

The Nest support students’ educational success through four pillars: Academic Support Services and Expanded Learning Opportunities, Integrated Support Services, Active Family and Community Engagement, and Collaborative Leadership. Through community collaboration, we will remove real life stressors that prevent students from succeeding academically, increase educational opportunities and resources, and equip students for life beyond high school. 

Academic Support Services & Expanded Learning Opportunities

• College and career awareness and development 

• Internships, service learning, job shadowing, work-based learning 

• Afterschool and summer learning opportunities 

Integrated Support Services/Wraparound Services

• Social, emotional, behavioral and life skills development 

• Mental health care services 

• Individualized academic support and tutoring 

Active Family and Community Engagement

• Basic care needs and living assistance 

• Family Support Groups and educational classes 

• Family and community volunteer opportunities 

Collaborative Leadership

• The Nest School Advisory Board

• Professional development and staff learning communities 

• School personnel and community partners share ownership of Wraparound approach

What We Believe 

• We believe every student has value and deserves a fair opportunity in life no matter their circumstance 

• We believe students achieve academic success and personal growth when their basic needs are met 

• We believe when community partnerships advocate collectively, the school and neighboring communities are strengthened to promote quality education and increase student achievement